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How to use the Tab key to change tabs in the tabstrip control?

1 min read


You can access the key events through client side and can achieve this behavior. For doing this we have to get the keyCode from the keydown event of TabStrip then we have to check if the key is "Tab" then we have to call the CallbackRefresh event, in which the next TabStrip has to be selected.


function test()


var keycode=window.event.keyCode;

if(keycode == 9)





protected void CallbackPanel1_CallbackRefresh(object sender, Syncfusion.Web.UI.WebControls.Tools.CancellableCallbackEventArgs e)


if (this.TabStrip1.Items[0].Selected)


this.TabStrip1.Items[1].Selected = true;

this.TabStrip1.Items[0].Selected = false;

this.TabStrip1.Items[2].Selected = false;


else if (this.TabStrip1.Items[1].Selected)


this.TabStrip1.Items[2].Selected = true;

this.TabStrip1.Items[0].Selected = false;

this.TabStrip1.Items[1].Selected = false;


else if (this.TabStrip1.Items[2].Selected)


this.TabStrip1.Items[0].Selected = true;

this.TabStrip1.Items[1].Selected = false;

this.TabStrip1.Items[2].Selected = false;




Private Function test() As function

Dim keycode As var=window.event.keyCode

If keycode = 9 Then


End If

End Function

Protected Sub CallbackPanel1_CallbackRefresh(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As Syncfusion.Web.UI.WebControls.Tools.CancellableCallbackEventArgs)

If Me.TabStrip1.Items(0).Selected Then

Me.TabStrip1.Items(1).Selected = True

Me.TabStrip1.Items(0).Selected = False

Me.TabStrip1.Items(2).Selected = False

Else If Me.TabStrip1.Items(1).Selected Then

Me.TabStrip1.Items(2).Selected = True

Me.TabStrip1.Items(0).Selected = False

Me.TabStrip1.Items(1).Selected = False

Else If Me.TabStrip1.Items(2).Selected Then

Me.TabStrip1.Items(0).Selected = True

Me.TabStrip1.Items(1).Selected = False

Me.TabStrip1.Items(2).Selected = False

End If

End Sub


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