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How to perform certain actions when the ToolTip is displayed?

1 min read

In SuperToolTip, you can use the PopupToolTip event handler to perform certain actions when the ToolTip is displayed. The PopupToolTip event is executed first and then the Tooltip is displayed.

The following code example demonstrates the same.


//The event is raised when tooltips pops up
this.superToolTip1.PopupToolTip += new Syncfusion.Windows.Forms.Tools.PopupToolTipHandler(superToolTip1_PopupToolTip);
//Occurs when the tool tip pops up.
void superToolTip1_PopupToolTip(Component component, ref Rectangle rc)
    this.Text = "Popup Showed";


'The event is raised when tooltips pops up
AddHandler superToolTip1.PopupToolTip, AddressOf superToolTip1_PopupToolTip
'Occurs when the tool tip pops up.
Private Sub superToolTip1_PopupToolTip(ByVal component As Component, ByRef rc As Rectangle)
                Me.Text = "Popup Showed"
End Sub

Figure 1: Before showing SuperToolTip

Figure 2: After showing SuperToolTip

Sample Links

C#: SuperToolTip_PopupToolTip_C#

VB: SuperToolTip_PopupToolTip_VB

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