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How to show the SuperToolTip at any location for a particular time interval?

1 min read

The SuperToolTip can be shown at any specified location and for a particular amount of time by using the Show() method of the SuperToolTip.

The Show() method takes 3 arguments. They are,

  1. ToolTipInfo object.
  2. Point object.
  3. Duration in milliseconds.

The last parameter Duration is optional.

The following code example demonstrate the same.


//Initializes the ToolTipInfo.
ToolTipInfo toolTipInfo = new ToolTipInfo();
//Specifies the ToolTip Text.
toolTipInfo.Body.Text = "Create a ToolTipInfo.\r\n And Show it.";
toolTipInfo.Header.Text = "ToolTip Header";
//Shows the SuperToolTip.
this.superToolTip1.Show(toolTipInfo, new Point(420, 210));



'Initializes the ToolTipInfo.
Dim toolTipInfo As New ToolTipInfo()
'Specifies the ToolTip Text.
toolTipInfo.Body.Text = "Create a ToolTipInfo." & Constants.vbCrLf & " And Show it."
toolTipInfo.Header.Text = "ToolTip Header"
'Shows the SuperToolTip.
Me.superToolTip1.Show(toolTipInfo, New Point(420, 210))


To show the SuperToolTip for an infinitive amount of time, pass -1 as the value to the last parameter.

The following code example demonstrates the same.


//Shows the SuperToolTip with specified time.
this.superToolTip1.Show(toolTipInfo, new Point(420, 210), -1);



'Shows the SuperToolTip with specified time.
Me.superToolTip1.Show(toolTipInfo, New Point(420, 210), -1)


Figure 1: ToolTip with specified location

Sample Links:

C#: SuperToolTip_Interval_C#

VB: SuperToolTip_Interval_VB

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