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How to force a bar to be docked at one desired edge of the form in CommandBar?

1 min read

Dock settings

Using the DockState property of the commandBar, you can set the initial dock position of the bar. However, in the run time, user can change the dock position. To overcome this, you can set the AllowedDockBorders property of CommandBar, which allows you to force the bar to be docked only to the specified edge.

The following code will allow a bar to be docked to Top only.


CommandBar cmd = this.mainFrameBarManager1.GetBarControl(this.bar1);
//Set the initial dock position to the top of the form.
//After floating, the bar can be docked only to the bottom of the form.


Dim cmd As CommandBar = Me.mainFrameBarManager1.GetBarControl(Me.bar1)
'Set the initial dock position to the top of the form.
cmd.DockState = CommandBarDockState.Top
'After floating, the bar can be docked only to the bottom of the form.

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