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How to create an instance of AutoAppend and appreciate that with the WinForms Docking Manager?

1 min read

Initialization of AutoAppend

Create an instance of the AutoAppend Class by using the below code.


AutoAppend autoappend1 = new AutoAppend();



Dim autoappend1 As New AutoAppend

After creating the AutoAppend instance we need to associate it with an edit control. To achieve this, we should use the SetAutoAppend method. This method takes an object of AutoAppendInfo class which is used to hold the details of association. For example, to associate it with a ComboBox we may use the following code.


//al is an IList object
autoappend1.SetAutoAppend(cmbBox,new AutoAppendInfo(true,"category name",al,10));



' al is an IList object
autoappend1.SetAutoAppend(cmbBox,New AutoAppendInfo(True, "category name", al, 10))



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