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What is the WinForms ProgressBarAdv control?

1 min read


The ProgressBarAdv is an extension to the standard progress bar that helps you to display the task completion status with background, border and foreground styles. The ProgressBarAdv includes the following ProgressBar styles.

  1. Constant
  2. Gradient
  3. MultipleGradient
  4. Tube
  5. Image
  6. System
  7. WaitingGradient and
  8. Metro


The following images show the ProgressBar styles.

 Progressbar style is constant

Figure 1: ProgressBarStyle is Constant

Progressbar style is gradient

Figure 2: ProgressBarStyle is Gradient

Progressbar style is multiple gradient

Figure 3: ProgressBarStyle is Multiple Gradient

Progressbar style is tube

Figure 4: ProgressBarStyle is Tube

Progressbar style is image

Figure 5: ProgressBarStyle is Image

Progressbar style is system

Figure 6: ProgressBarStyle is System

Progressbar style is waiting gradient

Figure 7: ProgressBarStyle is Waiting Gradient

Progressbar style is waiting metro

Figure 8: ProgressBarStyle is Waiting Metro

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