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What are the progress styles available in WinForms ProgressBarAdv?

1 min read

Progress styles

The WinForms ProgressBar Adv includes the following ProgressStyles:









The following code example demonstrates the same.


//To draw the ProgressBar with constant foreground color
this.progressBarAdv1.ProgressStyle = Syncfusion.Windows.Forms.Tools.ProgressBarStyles.Constant;
//To draw the ProgressBar with Gradient brush
this.progressBarAdv1.ProgressStyle = Syncfusion.Windows.Forms.Tools.ProgressBarStyles.Gradient;
//To draw the ProgressBar with multiple gradient brush
this.progressBarAdv1.ProgressStyle = Syncfusion.Windows.Forms.Tools.ProgressBarStyles.MultipleGradient;
//To draw the ProgressBar with vertical tube-like gradient brush
this.progressBarAdv1.ProgressStyle = Syncfusion.Windows.Forms.Tools.ProgressBarStyles.Tube;
//To draw the ProgressBar with image
this.progressBarAdv1.ProgressStyle = Syncfusion.Windows.Forms.Tools.ProgressBarStyles.Image;
//To draw the ProgressBar with System color
this.progressBarAdv1.ProgressStyle = Syncfusion.Windows.Forms.Tools.ProgressBarStyles.System;
//To draw the ProgressBar with a moving gradient line.
this.progressBarAdv1.ProgressStyle = Syncfusion.Windows.Forms.Tools.ProgressBarStyles.WaitingGradient;
//To draw the ProgressBar with Metro style
this.progressBarAdv1.ProgressStyle = Syncfusion.Windows.Forms.Tools.ProgressBarStyles.Metro;


'To draw the ProgressBar with constant foreground color
Me.progressBarAdv1.ProgressStyle = Syncfusion.Windows.Forms.Tools.ProgressBarStyles.Constant
'To draw the ProgressBar with Gradient brush
Me.progressBarAdv1.ProgressStyle = Syncfusion.Windows.Forms.Tools.ProgressBarStyles.Gradient
'To draw the ProgressBar with multiple gradient brush
Me.progressBarAdv1.ProgressStyle = Syncfusion.Windows.Forms.Tools.ProgressBarStyles.MultipleGradient
'To draw the ProgressBar with vertical tube-like gradient brush
Me.progressBarAdv1.ProgressStyle = Syncfusion.Windows.Forms.Tools.ProgressBarStyles.Tube
'To draw the ProgressBar with image
Me.progressBarAdv1.ProgressStyle = Syncfusion.Windows.Forms.Tools.ProgressBarStyles.Image
'To draw the ProgressBar with System color
Me.progressBarAdv1.ProgressStyle = Syncfusion.Windows.Forms.Tools.ProgressBarStyles.System
'To draw the ProgressBar with a moving gradient line.
Me.progressBarAdv1.ProgressStyle = Syncfusion.Windows.Forms.Tools.ProgressBarStyles.WaitingGradient
'To draw the ProgressBar with Metro style
Me.progressBarAdv1.ProgressStyle = Syncfusion.Windows.Forms.Tools.ProgressBarStyles.Metro


WinForms Progressbar specified with constant foreground color

Figure 1: ProgressBar specified with Constant foreground color

WinForms Progressbar specified with gradient color

Figure 2: ProgressBar specified with Gradient color

WinForms Progressbar specified with multiple gradient color

Figure 3: ProgressBar specified with multiple gradient color

WinForms Progressbar specified with tube-like gradient brush

Figure 4: ProgressBar specified with tube-like gradient brush

WinForms Progressbar specified with image

Figure 5: ProgressBar specified with Image

WinForms Progressbar specified with system color

Figure 6: ProgressBar specified with system color

WinForms Progressbar specified with waiting gradient line

Figure 7: ProgressBar specified with waiting gradient line

WinForms Progressbar specified with metro style

Figure 8: ProgressBar specified with Metro style


C#: ProgressBarAdv_Style_C#

VB: ProgressBarAdv_Style_VB

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