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How to show or hide the caption in the ToolStripEx?

1 min read

Show or hide the caption

ToolStripEx control displays a Caption at the top left corner of the control, by default. The caption visibility can be customized by using the ShowCaption property in the ToolStripEx.


//Shows the caption in the ToolStripEx
this.toolStripEx1.ShowCaption = true;
//Hides the caption in the ToolStripEx
this.toolStripEx1.ShowCaption = false;


'Shows the caption in the ToolStripEx
Me.toolStripEx1.ShowCaption = True
'Hides the caption in the ToolStripEx
Me.toolStripEx1.ShowCaption = False



The value of the ShowCaption property is set to true, by default.


Show the caption in the ToolStripEx

Figure 1: Caption is displayed in the ToolStripEx.

Hide the caption in the ToolStripEx

Figure 2:Caption is hided in ToolStripEx.


C#: ToolStripEx_ShowCaption_C#

VB: ToolStripEx_ShowCaption_VB

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