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How do I add more Buttons along with the existing Navigation Buttons?

2 mins read


You can add more buttons to the wizard control along with the existing Navigation buttons by creating a new button and then by setting the GridBagLayout constraints for the button to position it correctly along with other buttons using GridPosX and GridPosY.

Here is the code snippet:


// To add a new button

Button btn = new Button();

btn.Text = "New Button";


// Set the constraints for the newly created Button

this.wizardControl1.GridBagLayout.GetConstraintsRef(btn).GridPosX = 6;

this.wizardControl1.GridBagLayout.GetConstraintsRef(btn).GridPosY = 5;


' To add a new button

Dim btn As Button = New Button()

btn.Text = "New Button"


' Set the constraints for the newly created Button

Me.wizardControl1.GridBagLay.GetConstraintsRef(btn).GridPosX = 6

Me.wizardControl1.GridBagLay.GetConstraintsRef(btn).GridPosY = 5

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