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How to bind the xml file with the AutoCompleteTextBox control?

1 min read


The following code will bind the Products.xml file with the AutoCompleteTextBox. [Applicable only in 2.0]


protected void AutoCompleteTextBox1_ProvideChoiceListOnCallback(object sender, Syncfusion.Web.UI.WebControls.Tools.ACUserChoiceListEventArgs e)


ArrayList userChoiceList = new ArrayList();

string key = e.Key;

DataSet dataset = new DataSet();

string url = "Products.xml";


DataTable dataTable = new DataTable();

dataTable = dataset.Tables[0];

DataRow[] Matchrow = dataset.Tables[0].Select();

//Convert data rows to ArrayList

foreach (DataRow row in Matchrow)


string emailList = row[0].ToString();



e.ChoiceList = userChoiceList;



Protected Sub AutoCompleteTextBox1_ProvideChoiceListOnCallback(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As Syncfusion.Web.UI.WebControls.Tools.ACUserChoiceListEventArgs)

Dim userChoiceList As ArrayList = New ArrayList()

Dim key As String = e.Key

Dim dataset As DataSet = New DataSet()

Dim url As String = "Products.xml"


Dim dataTable As DataTable = New DataTable()

dataTable = dataset.Tables(0)

Dim Matchrow As DataRow() = dataset.Tables(0).Select()

'Convert data rows to ArrayList

For Each row As DataRow In Matchrow

Dim emailList As String = row(0).ToString()


Next row

e.ChoiceList = userChoiceList

End Sub

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