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How to color the chart elements in run-time?

1 min read


Essential chart allows you to color every part of the chart, such as series, labels, axis, etc., in run-time. The following code shows how a chart series, labels, axis, etc., can be colored when these elements are hit by mouse.


//Events raised on series mouse click - Sets series interior

private void ChartSeries_MouseClick(object sender, ChartMouseEventArgs e)


area.Series[0].Interior = Brushes.Green;

area.Series[1].Interior = Brushes.Blue;

ChartSeries series1 = sender as ChartSeries;

series1.Interior = Brushes.Orange;



//Events raised on axis mouse down - Sets axis linestroke and label color

private void ChartAxis_MouseDown(object sender, MouseButtonEventArgs e)


ChartAxis axis = sender as ChartAxis;

HitTestResult result = VisualTreeHelper.HitTest(area, e.GetPosition(area));

if (result != null)


FrameworkElement hitElement = result.VisualHit as FrameworkElement;

//Colors the Chart Axis labels

if (hitElement.GetType() == typeof(TextBlock))


TextBlock txtBlk = hitElement as TextBlock;

txtBlk.Foreground = Brushes.Orange;


//Colors the Axis linestroke

if (hitElement.GetType() == typeof(ChartCartesianAxisElement))


axis.LineStroke.Brush = Brushes.Orange;




Refer to the attached sample, which illustrates this feature.

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