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How can I Customize a TextBox for AutoCompletiton with items separated by Comma?

1 min read



private void AutoComplete1_AutoCompleteItemSelected(object sender, Syncfusion.Windows.Forms.Tools.AutoCompleteItemEventArgs args)


Control ct = this.TextBox1;

if (this.AutoComplete1.ActiveFocusControl == ct)


int commaPos = this.TextBox1.Text.LastIndexOf(",");

string currentText = this.TextBox1.Text;

if (commaPos >= 0)


currentText = this.TextBox1.Text.Substring(0, commaPos + 1);


args.SelectedValue = currentText + args.ItemArray[args.MatchColumnIndex].ToString();

args.Handled = true;



private void AutoComplete1_AutoCompleteCustomize(object sender, Syncfusion.Windows.Forms.Tools.AutoCompleteCustomizeEventArgs args)


Control ct = this.TextBox1;

if (args.ActiveFocusControl == ct)


int commaPos = this.TextBox1.Text.LastIndexOf(",");

string commaText = "";

if (commaPos >= 0)


commaText = this.TextBox1.Text.Substring(commaPos + 1, this.TextBox1.TextLength - commaPos - 1);


if (this.TextBox1.SelectionStart > commaPos & commaPos >= 0)


args.AutoSuggestLocation = new Point(this.Location.X + this.TextBox1.Location.X + (this.TextBox1.TextLength * 5) + 2, this.Location.Y + 40 + this.TextBox1.Location.Y + 10);

args.TextForAutoCompletion = commaText;

args.Handled = true;




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