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How do I localize all the text associated with Syncfusion controls in my application into German ?

2 mins read


Please refer to the *.resources.dll assemblies in the \bin\de folder in attachment below. These assemblies contain the resources necessary to translate English text associated with our controls into German. These assemblies were created using the resources ( in each of these folders \Syncfusion.Shared.Base, \Syncfusion.Grid.Windows, and \Syncfusion.Tools.Windows. The text format of each of these resources is available in the associated SR-de.txt files. The *.resources.dll assemblies are generated from these resources using the BuildSatelliteAssembly.bat batch file.

Follow the steps below to localize your application into German:

  1.  Make sure all the forms in your application have their Localizable property set to true. In each of the forms add the following code in the constructor:


Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentUICulture = new System.Globalization.CultureInfo("de");



Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentUICulture = New System.Globalization.CultureInfo("de")


  1. Build your application to generate the exe file.
  2. Create a folder by the name "de" in the folder containing the exe file of your application. In C# projects, the exe is generally contained in the \bin\debug\ folder, and so create the "de" folder in it.
  3. Move the contents (German *.resources.dll assemblies) of the attached \bin\de folder into the \bin\debug\de folder of your application.
  4. Now rebuild and run the application and localization changes will be reflected in itNote that the resources here have localization information for Syncfusion.Shared.Base, Syncfusion.Grid.Windows, and Syncfusion.Tools.Windows components only.
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