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How to know the current docking style of the docked window in WinForms Docking Manager?

1 min read

Docking style

Get the control’s parent and cast this to type Syncfusion.Windows.Forms.Tools.DockHost. Now access the DockHost’s InternalController and get its current Docking Information from the DICurrent() method.

This will return an object of type Syncfusion.Windows.Forms.Tools.DockInfo. The DockInfo.DockingStyle member gives the dock position of the particular control.

If the control is floating, then DockingStyle will be equal to Syncfusion.Windows.Forms.Tools.DockingStyle.Fill.


A new method called GetDockStyle is added to version 4.2 and later to get the dockingstyle directly. It returns object of DockingStyle.

Please refer to the code sample below which shows how the DockInfo object can be captured:


// Suppose ctl is the docked control
DockHost dhost = ctl.Parent as DockHost;
DockHostController dhc = dhost.InternalController as DockHostController;
DockInfo di = dhc.DICurrent;
// Returns the DockingStyle of the docking window
return di.dStyle;



' Suppose ctl is the docked control
Dim dhost As DockHost = CType(IIf(TypeOf ctlParent Is DockHost, ctlParent, Nothing), DockHost)
Dim dhc As DockHostController = CType(IIf(TypeOf dhost.InternalController Is DockHostController, dhost.InternalController, Nothing), DockHostController)
Dim di As DockInfo = dhc.DICurrent
' Returns the DockingStyle of the docking window
Return di.dStyle


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