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How to add a dynamically created form to a new tab in WinForms TabControlAdv?

1 min read

Creating a form to new tab

Here is a code sample which demonstrates how you can dynamically create a form and add that form to a new tab:


//Form2 is the dynamically created form in your project that needs to add to a Tab
//Create the form and set it’s TopLevel property to false to enable setting its parent
Form2 frm2 = new Form2();
frm2.TopLevel = false;
//Create the new tab which will display Form2TabPageAdv newtab = new TabPageExt("FORM_2");
//Set Form2’s parent to be the new tab and display the form in the newly created tab
frm2.Parent = newtab;
frm2.Visible = true;
frm2.Dock = DockStyle.Fill;


'Form2 is the dynamically created form in your project that needs to add to a Tab
'Create the form and set it’s TopLevel property to false to enable setting its parent
Dim frm2 As Form2 = New Form2()
frm2.TopLevel = False
'Create the new tab which will display Form2
Dim Newtab As TabPageAdv = New TabPageExt("FORM_2")
'Set Form2’s parent to be the new tab and display the form in the newly created tab
frm2.Parent = Newtab
frm2.Visible = True
frm2.Dock = DockStyle.Fill


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