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How to add ploygon shape in Xamarin.Forms maps (SfMaps)

4 mins read

This article explains how to add a polygon shape on Xamarin.Forms SfMaps, as shown in the following image.


Drawn polygon shape on SfMaps




You can add the input Geo points to add a polygon shape in two ways: -


By using the point collection - You can provide the Geo point collection in a sample to add a polygon shape by using the Points and ShapeType properties. And, add the ShapeFileLayer as a sublayer of the base layer.


By using the shape file - By setting the shape file to the Uri property, you can add the polygon shape in a ShapeFileLayer and add it as a sublayer of the base layer.


To get the desired output as shown above, please use the following XAML code to construct the UI.




    <maps:SfMaps x:Name="sfmap" ZoomLevel="4">
            <maps:ImageryLayer LayerType="OSM" GeoCoordinates="30.9709225,-100.2187212" >
                  <!--  set the Polygon in ShapeType and added points as sublayer --!> 
                    <maps:ShapeFileLayer  ShapeType="Polygon" Points="{Binding SubLayer1}" >
                            <maps:ShapeSetting ShapeFill="Blue" ShapeStroke="DarkBlue" 
                                               ShapeStrokeThickness="4" />
                    <maps:ShapeFileLayer ShapeType="Polygon" Points="{Binding SubLayer2}">
                            <maps:ShapeSetting ShapeFill="Orange" ShapeStroke="Red"
                                               ShapeStrokeThickness="4" />


This polygon's points got from the ViewModel class as shown in the following code sample.




    public class ViewModel
        public ObservableCollection<Point> SubLayer1
            get; set;
        public ObservableCollection<Point> SubLayer2
            get; set;
        public ViewModel()
            SubLayer1 = new ObservableCollection<Point>()
                new Point(37.042972,-109.085003),
                new Point(40.992567,-109.021030),
                new Point(40.968420,-102.048065),
                new Point(36.991893,-102.144024),
                new Point(37.042972,-109.085003)
            SubLayer2 = new ObservableCollection<Point>()
              new Point(41.04621681452063, -104.0625),
              new Point(41.04621681452063, -102.0849609375),
              new Point(40.01078714046552, -102.041015625),
              new Point(40.04443758460856, -95.44921875),
              new Point(42.48830197960227, -96.3720703125),
              new Point(43.03677585761058, -98.4375),
              new Point(43.068887774169625, -104.0625),
              new Point(41.04621681452063, -104.0625),


View the sample in GitHub.


See also

How to interact with shapes on SfMaps

How to display item on a map


How to load multiple shape files on SfMaps





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