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How to bind the underlying DataTable model to the DataMarker Template in WPF Charts?

1 min read

This article describes how to bind the underlying item of the data table model to the data marker template in WPF chart by following these steps:

Step 1: First, you need to bind the data table to the chart ItemsSource collection by following this KB article.

Step 2: Then, you can display the underlying item of the data table model in data marker, by using the LabelTemplate in ChartAdornmentInfo class as demonstrated in the following code example.


            <DataTemplate x:Key="adornment">
                <TextBlock  Text="{Binding Item.ItemArray[2]}" FontSize="13" FontWeight="Bold" RenderTransformOrigin="0.5,0.5" >
            <local:ViewModel />
        <chart:SfChart Margin="20">
                <chart:CategoryAxis Interval="1"></chart:CategoryAxis>
                <chart:NumericalAxis Maximum="9000"></chart:NumericalAxis>
            <chart:ColumnSeries x:Name="series"
                                ItemsSource="{Binding DataModel}"
                                XBindingPath="Month" YBindingPath="Value">
                    <chart:ChartAdornmentInfo LabelTemplate="{StaticResource adornment}" AdornmentsPosition="Top" VerticalAlignment="Top" HorizontalAlignment="Center" ShowLabel="True" SegmentLabelContent="LabelContentPath" />



  public class Model
        public string Month{get;set;}
        public double Value { get; set; }
        public string Description { get; set; }
    public class ViewModel
        public ViewModel()
            DataModel = GetData();
        public DataTable DataModel
        public DataTable GetData()
            DataTable data = new DataTable();
            //Add Columns
            data.Columns.Add("Value", typeof(int));
            data.Columns.Add("Month", typeof(string));
            data.Columns.Add("Description", typeof(string));
            //Add Rows
            data.Rows.Add(250, "April","Very Low");
            data.Rows.Add(750, "May","Low");
            data.Rows.Add(7500, "June","Very High");
            data.Rows.Add(3650, "July","High");
            data.Rows.Add(2250, "August", "Intermediate");
            //return data
            return data;


Binding adornment from data table

Download complete sample here

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