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How to install the customer patch NuGet in Windows machine

1 min read

Install Syncfusion patch NuGet packages


  1. First remove already installed Syncfusion NuGet packages in the NuGet cache for the specified version from the below location.

    C:\Users\{User Name}\.nuget\packages

    For example, if got the Syncfusion patch NuGet package with the version, remove the folder.

    C:\Users\{User Name}\.nuget\packages\syncfusion.xamarin.sfchart\
    NuGet cache location
  2. Download the patch NuGet packages that are shared through the support and place it on any location in Windows machine
    NuGet patch location
  3. Open your application in Visual Studio. Right click on the Solution and select the “Manage NuGet Packages for Solution...”Manage NuGet packages add-in
  4. Then, uninstall already installed Syncfusion NuGet packages from the solution. For example, if got the Syncfusion patch NuGet package with the name Syncfusion.Xamarin.SfChart, uninstall this NuGet package from the solution.
    NuGet uninstall
  5. After that, click on the settings icon to configure the new NuGet package source.
    NuGet source setting option
  6. Then, click on the Add icon,
    NuGet source dialog
  7. Enter a friendly name and choose the patch NuGet Packages downloaded location using browse button. Finally click on the Update and then OK button.
    NuGet source added
  8. Select newly added package source in NuGet Package Manager as shown in the following screenshot.
    Select the required NuGet source
  9. The packages are listed that is present in selected NuGet package source and choose the required NuGet package and then click Install button.
    NuGet install
  10. The package will be installed to the application as shown in the following screenshot.

    Project Reference
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