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Definition of terms for Syncfusion licenses

2 mins read


Definition of Syncfusion licenses and their terms.

  1. Retail License
  2. Flat License (Includes Global/Division/Project Licenses)
  3. Community license

Retail licenses

Retail licenses are limited to an individual user.  They are non-transferable and their terms are governed by the current Syncfusion EULA. You can find all the Retail licenses offered by Syncfusion on the following page.

The following items are all listed as Retail Licenses.

  1. Essential Studio Enterprise Edition (Single Developer License)
  2. Essential Studio Enterprise Edition (3 or 5 Developer Pack)
  3. Individual Platforms

All Retail licenses, including licenses sold in packs, are identified by email address and are non-transferable.

For any exception please reach out to

Flat licenses

The Flat License model offers you the ability to have an unlimited license count depending on the license type. You can find all the Flat licenses offered by Syncfusion on the following page.

The Flat License model includes the following:

  1. Global License
  2. Division License
  3. Project License

We offer an Enterprise Portal License Management System for all our Flat licensing models.  In this portal, you can add, remove or transfer licenses, according to the terms of your Syncfusion Master License Agreement.

You can contact our Client Services team to receive training on the license management portal.

The KB provides direction on how to transfer the licenses. Also, you can find the Enterprise roles and operations in this KB.

Community license

The Community License provides free access to all the Syncfusion products for individual developers and small businesses.

Please refer the following page to find out more about Syncfusion’ s Community License.

As with the Retail License, the Community License has limitations and is non-transferable.  Other restrictions are that the business must have less than 5 developers and under 1million dollars USD in annual revenue.

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