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What kind of menu items are supported in the XPMenus framework in WinForms XPToolBar?

1 min read

Baritems of XPToolBar

The menu items (or BarItems) in the framework are as follows:

1. A BarItem represents a simple clickable item that you can create to be added in a submenu or toolbar. You can also attach a shortcut to the item and use mnemonics in the item's text.

2. A ParentBarItem represents a submenu. You can also make it a drop-down style which will let the user either click it or drop-down a submenu.

3. A DropDownBarItem lets you attach any PopupControlContainer to the item. The control will then be shown when the user clicks on it.

4. A ComboBoxBarItem represents the new 2D combo boxes that you can use either in editable or list box mode. They also come with AutoAppend mode, wherein entries made by the user are automatically appended and made available in the list box choice list across application instantiations (as in a text search combo box).

5. A ListBarItem represents a list item which will expand into a numbered list of BarItems as represented in the item’s ChildCaptions property. This is useful to represent a dynamic list like the Most-Recently-Used-Files list or the Child-Windows list.

6. A TextBoxBarItem represents a textBox which can be used like a normal textbox.

7. A StaticBarItem represents a label which can be used in StatusBars or as a description provider for other barItems to the left.

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