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How to clear the compile error in Windows Forms TabControlAdv?

1 min read

Clear the compilation error

The 'Syncfusion.Windows.Forms.Tools.TabControlAdv' namespace does not contain a definition for NavigationControl.

The NavigationControl property has been changed as TabPrimitives for v.4.4. TabPrimitives provides more flexibility and it allows users to add any number of buttons in the TabPanel.

You can comment out the NavigationControl related code in the designer generated code and compile the solution to make it work properly

To work with TabPrimitives

TabPrimitives can be made visible by setting TabPrimitivesHost.Visible property to true.


Click on the TabPrimitivesCollection to bring up a collection editor and add the TabPrimitives as shown below.


To add the TabPrimitives programatically,


using Syncfusion.Windows.Forms.Tools;
this.tabControlAdv1.TabPrimitivesHost.Visible = true;
this.tabControlAdv1.TabPrimitivesHost.TabPrimitives.Add(new TabPrimitive(TabPrimitiveType.FirstTab, null, Color.Empty, true, 1, "TabPrimitive0"));
this.tabControlAdv1.TabPrimitivesHost.TabPrimitives.Add(new TabPrimitive(TabPrimitiveType.PreviousPage, null, Color.Empty, true, 1, "TabPrimitive1"));
this.tabControlAdv1.TabPrimitivesHost.TabPrimitives.Add(new TabPrimitive(TabPrimitiveType.PreviousTab, null, Color.Empty, true, 1, "TabPrimitive2"));
this.tabControlAdv1.TabPrimitivesHost.TabPrimitives.Add(new TabPrimitive(TabPrimitiveType.NextTab, null, Color.Empty, true, 1, "TabPrimitive3"));
this.tabControlAdv1.TabPrimitivesHost.TabPrimitives.Add(new TabPrimitive(TabPrimitiveType.NextPage, null, Color.Empty, true, 1, "TabPrimitive4"));
this.tabControlAdv1.TabPrimitivesHost.TabPrimitives.Add(new TabPrimitive(TabPrimitiveType.NextPage, null, Color.Empty, true, 1, "TabPrimitive5"));
this.tabControlAdv1.TabPrimitivesHost.TabPrimitives.Add(new TabPrimitive(TabPrimitiveType.Close, null, Color.Empty, true, 1, "TabPrimitive6"));



// To generate click events for custom TabPrimitiveType
private void tabControlAdv1_TabPrimitiveClick (object sender, Syncfusion.Windows.Forms.Tools.TabPrimitiveClickEventArgs e)
      if (e.TabPrimitive.Name == "TabPrimitive7")
          // Add the code here.


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