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How to use the drill-down functionality in Xamarin.Forms Chart?

1 min read

The drill-down functionality is used to navigate from one chart to another chart when tapping a segment. You can achieve this functionality in our SfChart using the SelectionChangedEvent.

For example, in automobile sales concept, initially all the automobile names are displayed in a pie chart. When you tap a particular automobile segment to know more details, it generates a new chart, which provides the further detailed information. This behavior is achieved in SfChart using the following code examples and you can download the complete sample here.


<chart:SfChart x:Name="chart" SelectionChanged="Chart_SelectionChanged" HorizontalOptions="FillAndExpand" VerticalOptions="FillAndExpand">
   <chart:PieSeries EnableDataPointSelection="True" ItemsSource="{Binding PieData       XBindingPath="Type" YBindingPath="Value" >
          <chart:ChartDataMarker LabelContent="Percentage"/>


Private void Chart_SelectionChanged(object sender, ChartSelectionEventArgs e)
   IList items = e.SelectedSeries.ItemsSource as IList;
   Model selectedDatapoint = items[e.SelectedDataPointIndex] as Model;
   Navigation.PushAsync(new SecondayPage(selectedDatapoint));
public SecondayPage(Model selectedDatapoint)
    chart.Title.Text = "Automobile Sales in the" + selectedDatapoint.Type + "segment";
    this.selectedDatapoint = selectedDatapoint;
    ColumnSeries series = new ColumnSeries
       XBindingPath = "Type",
       YBindingPath = "Value",
       ItemsSource = selectedDatapoint.Collections,
       DataMarker = new ChartDataMarker()
    series.DataMarker.LabelContent = LabelContent.Percentage; 


Drilldown functionality in Xamarin.Forms Chart.Drill-down functionality in Xamarin.Forms Chart.

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