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How to draw a line (route) between two terminals in SfMaps

1 min read

This article explains how to draw a line between two terminals using the SfMaps control. Refer to the following steps to draw a line between two terminals.

Step 1: Initialize the SfMaps control and add ShapeFileLayer to the layer collection of the control with the Uri property. Using the SubLayers support, you can add a sub shape layer that contains line points between two routes over the main ShapeFileLayer.

The following code snippet demonstrates how to add a sub shape file layer over the main shape file layer.

<maps:SfMaps x:Name="sfmap" BackgroundColor="LightGray" >
            <maps:SfMaps.Layers >
                <maps:ShapeFileLayer Uri="world-map.shp" x:Name="layer" >
                        <maps:ShapeFileLayer Uri="river.shp">
                            <maps:ShapeFileLayer.ShapeSettings >
                                <maps:ShapeSetting ShapeStrokeThickness="2"/>


Step 2: Add markers to ShapeFileLayers using the Markers property with latitude and longitude values.

                        <maps:MapMarker Latitude = "28.6139391" Longitude = "77.2090212"/>
                        <maps:MapMarker Latitude = "39.9041999" Longitude = "116.4073963"/>
                        <maps:MapMarker Latitude = "31.2303904" Longitude = "121.4737021"/>
                        <maps:MapMarker Latitude = "23.12911" Longitude = "113.264385"/>
                        <maps:MapMarker Latitude = "22.396428" Longitude = "114.109497"/>
                        <maps:MapMarker Latitude = "19.0759837" Longitude = "72.8776559"/>
                        <maps:MapMarker Latitude = "13.0826802" Longitude = "80.2707184"/>
                        <maps:MapMarker Latitude = "22.572646" Longitude = "88.363895"/>
                        <maps:MapMarker Latitude = "24.880095" Longitude = "102.832891"/>


You can find the sample in the following link: Sample



Lines between two terminals using xamarin SfMaps

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