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How do I run web samples in Vista operating system while getting “Internet Explorer cannot display the webpage” the following error?

1 min read


In order to run the web samples in Vista machine we must have IIS installed in our machine. The problem is that IIS is not installed in the system or it’s not properly configured.

To install IIS in Vista machine:

Open programs and features from the control panel. In the left side of the window, click turn windows features on and off to load the components to be installed in vista.

Check all the option under the “Internet information Services”. Please see to the screen shots for more details.

On clicking the ok button will install the IIS in the Vista OS

Run “inetmgr” in the command line to check whether IIS is properly configured. Please look to the screen shot below.

windows Authentication must be enabled:

Run the re-install Syncfusion virtual directories to configure the virtual directory for web sample browser.

Now run the web sample browser for the dashboard.

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