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How to remove axis from AxisElementBuilder within PivotClient?

1 min read

This KB illustrates that how to remove axis from AxisElementBuilder within PivotClient.


Removing the AxisElementBuilder - Column, Row and Slicer axes can be achieved through the following code examples with respective to JS, ASP and MVC platforms.


<script type="text/javascript">
$(function () {
               $("#PivotClient1").ejPivotClient({ url: "../wcf/OlapClientService.svc", title: "OLAP Browser", chartLoad: "removeAxes" });                                       
function removeAxes(args) {
//To remove axis individually
$(".axisHeader, .categoricalAxis, .slicerAxis , .rowAxis ").remove();
//To remove axes completely 
$(".cubeTable tr td:last").remove();


@Html.EJ().Pivot().PivotClient("PivotClient1").Url(Url.Content("~/wcf/OlapClientService.svc")).Title("OLAP Browser").ClientSideEvents(oEve => { oEve.ChartLoad("removeAxes"); }) 
<script type="text/javascript">
function removeAxes(args) {
//To remove axis individually
$(".axisHeader, .categoricalAxis, .slicerAxis , .rowAxis ").remove();
//To remove axes completely
$(".cubeTable tr td:last").remove();


<ej:PivotClient ID="PivotClient1" runat="server" Url="../wcf/OlapClientService.svc">
        <ClientSideEvents  ChartLoad=" removeAxes" />
<script type="text/javascript">
function removeAxes(args) {
//To remove axis individually
$(".axisHeader, .categoricalAxis, .slicerAxis , .rowAxis ").remove();
//To remove axes completely
$(".cubeTable tr td:last").remove();


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