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I first used the Evaluation version and later upgraded to the licensed version. I get a license exception when I start my application.

2 mins read

Getting License exception while starting application after upgrading from evaluation version to license version

Remove the Eval version key from the License Manager which is available at Start--> All Programs --> Syncfusion --> Essential Studio --> Utilities --> License Manger.

Now delete the output folders of the project(the bin and the obj folders).

Open the Assembly Manager from Start--> All Programs --> Syncfusion --> Essential Studio --> Utilities --> Assembly Manger. Select ''Remove All Versions'' and then click ''Perform Action''.

Once all the assemblies are removed. Select the ''Install Version'' in the Assembly Manager and then click ''Perform Action''. This will install the Syncfusion assemblies in the machine and configure that for the latest version.

Now the machine is configured for the licensed version.

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