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List of possible server errors in PDF Viewer

2 mins read

EJ2 PDF Viewer

The Essential JS 2 PDF Viewer is a modern UI Controls library that has been built from the ground up to be lightweight, responsive, modular, and touch-friendly. It is written in TypeScript and has no external dependencies. It also includes complete support for Angular, React, Vue, ASP.NET MVC, and ASP.NET Core frameworks.

List of possible server errors in PDF Viewer

The Essential JavaScript PDF Viewer have server-side dependency to get the details from PDF documents for rendering. The following are the list of possible server-side errors and their solutions:

  1.  Failed to load resource: The server responded with a status of 404 (Not Found) error. Refer to the following list of possible solutions:
  1. Details: Web service is not mapped properly using the serviceUrl property in the PDF Viewer. So, map to the web service properly in the serviceUrl property.
  2. Details: Due to the limitation of allowed content length in the application. You can resolve this issue by setting the maxAllowedContentLength in the Web.Config.  Refer to the following code for the same.


      <requestLimits maxAllowedContentLength="2147483647" />  <!-- 2 GB--> 

  1. Failed to load resource: ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED

Details: Either the Web service is stopped or the network connection to the web service is not proper. Check whether the connection to the web service (Web API controller) is proper to resolve this error.

  1. 500 Internal Sever error

Details: Internal sever error will be thrown if any exception was thrown in the Web service. Enable the exception settings to find the cause of the exception and share the exception details and StackTrace details to our support team. So that they can investigate further and provide the solution.

  1. 500 Internal Sever error: /api/PdfViewer/RenderPdfPages 

Failed to load resource: The server responded with a status of 500 (Internal Server Error). Unable to find an entry point named 'FPDFTextObj_GetText' in DLL 'Pdfium.dll' exception will be thrown in server side

Details: This issue occurs when refer the old Pdfium assemblies in the project. Remove the bin, obj and x86 or x64 (which contains the Pdfium assemblies) folders from the project and run it.


If the Pdfium assemblies are already available in the project location, it will not be replaced again and again. So, delete the mentioned folders while updating to the latest version.

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