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How to add anti-forgery token to the PdfViewerControl

2 mins read

Essential JS 2 PDF Viewer 

The Syncfusion PDF Viewer in ASP.NET Core (Essential JS 2) is a modern enterprise UI toolkit that has been built from the ground up to be lightweight, responsive, modular, and touch-friendly. It is also available in other frameworks such as JavaScript, Angular, ASP.NET MVC and React.

Refer to the following UG link for getting started with the PdfViewerControl.

Adding anti-forgery token to PDF Viewer

The anti-forgery token can be added to the PdfViewerControl’s AJAX request in the sample level. Refer to the following steps to add the anti-forgery token:

Step 1: Configure the anti-forgery token at the application Startup.cs in ConfigureServices method using the following code example. 


public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services) 
            services.AddAntiforgery(options => 
                options.HeaderName = "X-CSRF-TOKEN"; 
                options.SuppressXFrameOptionsHeader = false; 


Step 2: Inject the Microsoft.AspNetCore.Antiforgery.IAntiforgery service into the view and call GetAndStoreToken.  


@inject Microsoft.AspNetCore.Antiforgery.IAntiforgery Xsrf 
    public string GetAntiXsrfRequestToken() 
        return Xsrf.GetAndStoreTokens(Context).RequestToken; 
<input type="hidden" id="RequestVerificationToken" 
       name="RequestVerificationToken" value="@GetAntiXsrfRequestToken()"> 
  window.onload = function () { 
        var token = document.getElementById('RequestVerificationToken').value; 
        XMLHttpRequest.prototype.realSend = XMLHttpRequest.prototype.send; 
        var newSend = function (vData) { 
            if (this.getResponseHeader("X-CSRF-TOKEN") == null) { 
                this.setRequestHeader("X-CSRF-TOKEN", token); 
        XMLHttpRequest.prototype.send = newSend; 

Step 3: The ValidateAntiForgeryToken is an action filter that can be applied to an individual action, a controller, or globally. Requests made to actions that have this filter applied are blocked unless the request includes a valid anti-forgery token.  


        public IActionResult Load([FromBody] Dictionary<string, string> jsonObject) 


Adding custom header to the PdfViewerControl’s AJAX request

You can add custom header to the PdfViewerControl’s AJAX request in the sample level.  Refer to the following code to include the authorization token in AJAX request. 

XMLHttpRequest.prototype.realSend = XMLHttpRequest.prototype.send; 
        var newSend = function (vData)  {       
                this.setRequestHeader('Authorization', 'Bearer 64565dfgfdsjweiuvbiuyhiueygf');          
        XMLHttpRequest.prototype.send = newSend; 

The XMLHttpRequest’s method setRequestHeader() adds custom HTTP headers to the request.  

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