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How can I find where the particular item of GroupView is in the GroupBar?

1 min read


The helper function FindItem iterates through each GroupBarItem and each GroupViewItem in it. For the given GroupViewItem text, FindItem retrieves the index of the GroupViewItem and the GroupBar text where the item is found.



SwfWindow("GroupBar Demo").SwfObject("groupViewControl1").SelectItem 2,"Contacts"

SwfWindow("GroupBar Demo").SwfObject("groupBar1").SelectGroup 1,"Work"

SwfWindow("GroupBar Demo").SwfObject("groupViewControl2").SelectItem 3,"Sales"

SwfWindow("GroupBar Demo").SwfObject("groupBar1").SelectGroup 0,"Personal"

itemText = "Contacts"

groupText = "Nothing"

index = -1

SwfWindow("GroupBar Demo").SwfObject("groupBar1").FindItem itemText, groupText, index

MsgBox ("Found " & itemText &" in group " & groupText & " at ItemIndex " & index )

itemText = "Sales"

SwfWindow("GroupBar Demo").SwfObject("groupBar1").FindItem itemText, groupText, index

MsgBox ("Found " & itemText &" in group " & groupText & " at ItemIndex " & index )

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