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How to render the stacked step line series in WPF Chart?

1 min read

Follow the below steps to render stacked step line series:

Step 1:

Create a custom class StackedStepLineSeries by inheriting StepLineSeries.


public class StackedStepLineSeries : StepLineSeries

Step 2:

Override the OnDataSourceChanged method in the StackedStepLineSeries class to stack data from the provided ItemsSource as demonstrated in the following code snippet.


public class StackedStepLineSeries : StepLineSeries
        public ObservableCollection<Model> Data { get; set; }
        public StackedStepLineSeries()
                Data = new ObservableCollection<Model>();
        protected override void OnDataSourceChanged(IEnumerable oldValue,   IEnumerable newValue)
                 int index = Area.Series.IndexOf(this);
                 if (index > 0 && ItemsSource != Data)
                        base.OnDataSourceChanged(oldValue, newValue);
        private void UpdateDataSource(int seriesIndex)
                 var previousSeriesData = Area.Series[seriesIndex - 1].ItemsSource as ObservableCollection<Model>;
                 var currentData = ItemsSource as ObservableCollection<Model>;
                for (int i = 0; i < previousSeriesData.Count; i++)
                        Data.Add(new Model() { XData = currentData[i].XData, YData =   previousSeriesData[i].YData + currentData[i].YData });
                ItemsSource = Data;

Step 3:

Create an instance for custom StackedStepLineSeries class as demonstrated in the following code snippet.


<local:StackedStepLineSeries XBindingPath="XData" YBindingPath="YData" 
                                         ItemsSource="{Binding Data}"/>
<local:StackedStepLineSeries XBindingPath="XData" YBindingPath="YData" 
                                         ItemsSource="{Binding Data}"/>
<local:StackedStepLineSeries XBindingPath="XData" YBindingPath="YData" 
                                         ItemsSource="{Binding Data}"/>


Chart with stacked stepline series in WPF

Similarly, you can render StackedStepAreaSeries by inheriting StepAreaSeries by following Step 2 to stack the series. In addition, you have to set the Canvas.ZIndex and Interior properties to chart series as demonstrated in the following code snippet.


<local:StackedStepAreaSeries Canvas.ZIndex="3"  Interior="Red" XBindingPath="XData"  YBindingPath="YData" ItemsSource="{Binding Data}"/>
<local:StackedStepAreaSeries Canvas.ZIndex="2" Interior="Green" XBindingPath="XData" YBindingPath="YData" ItemsSource="{Binding Data}"/>
<local:StackedStepAreaSeries Canvas.ZIndex="1" Interior="Blue" XBindingPath="XData" YBindingPath="YData" ItemsSource="{Binding Data}"/>


public class StackedStepAreaSeries : StepAreaSeries


Chart with stacked steparea series in WPF

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