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How to add text after image has been loaded in UWP?

7 mins read

This section explains how to add text programmatically when image editor is loaded in a view.


Step 1: Create image editor sample with all necessary assemblies.


Please refer the below link to create a simple SfImageEditor sample along with the ways to configure it.

You can add text programmatically in the following two ways when image editor is loaded in a view:

  • Without image
  • With image


Step 2: To add text without image, call the AddText() method in the loaded event.


The following code sample demonstrates how to add text by calling the AddText() method in the loaded event.




public WithoutImage()
    editor.Loaded += editor_Loaded; // Framework loaded event
private void editor_Loaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
    editor.AddText("Without Image", new TextSettings());




Add text when the image is not loaded using SfImageEditor control



Step 3: To add text with image, call the AddText() method in the imageloaded event.


The following code sample demonstrates how to add text by calling the AddText() method in the imageloaded event .




public WithImage()
    editor.ImageLoaded += editor_ImageLoaded; // image editor ImageLoaded event
private void editor_ImageLoaded(object sender, ImageLoadedEventArgs e)
    editor.AddText("With Image", new TextSettings());




Add text after the image loaded using SfImageEditor control




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