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How to provide parallax scrolling support to any custom control using SfParallaxView?

2 mins read

This section explains how to provide scrolling support to any custom control using SfParallaxView.

 Create SfParallaxView sample with all necessary assemblies.

Please refer the below link to create a simple SfParallaxView sample along with the ways to configure it.


Step 1: Bind any custom control (For example: In this section we have bounded a control which is derived from Xamarin.Forms ListView) to SfParallaxView source property.By default Xamarin.Forms ListView do not have any build-in support to get total scrollable content size and scrolling events. It is mandatory to extends custom control from IParallaxView interface to support parallax scrolling. 

C# :

public class CustomListView : ListView , IParallaxView
        private Size scrollHeight;
        public Size ScrollableContentSize {
            get {
                return this.scrollHeight;
            set {
                this.scrollHeight = value;
        public event EventHandler<ParallaxScrollingEventArgs> Scrolling;
                    . . .


Xaml :


            <parallax:SfParallaxView Source="{x:Reference Name = listview}" x:Name="parallaxview" Orientation="Vertical" >
                             . . .
            <local:CustomListView x:Name="listview" ItemsSource="{Binding Items}" RowHeight="150" BackgroundColor="Transparent" >
                                  . . .


Step 2: To enable the parallax scrolling, you need to calculate the scrollable content size of the custom control in all platform specific projects.

Forms.Android :

internal class ParallaxViewListViewRenderer : ListViewRenderer
         . . .
    CustomListView listViewElement;            
private void GetListViewScrollableHeight(NativeAndroid.Widget.ListView listView)
                   . . .
           float scrollableHeight = height / density;
             (listViewElement as CustomListView).ScrollableContentSize = new Size(0, scrollableHeight); // since listview supports only vertical orientation, it is enough to calculate the total scrollable height.        
                   . . .


Forms.iOS :

internal class ParallaxViewListViewRenderer : ListViewRenderer
         . . .
    CustomListView listViewElement;              
    private void GetListViewScrollableHeight()
            if (listViewElement != null)
                               . . .
                 scrollableHeight = (float)Control.ContentSize.Height;
                listViewElement.ScrollableContentSize = new Size(0, scrollableHeight);
                                . . .


Forms.UWP :

internal class ParallaxViewListViewRenderer : ListViewRenderer
         . . .
    CustomListView listViewElement;              
    private void GetListViewScrollableHeight(Xaml.Controls.ListViewBase sender, Xaml.Controls.ContainerContentChangingEventArgs args)
            if (scrollViewer != null)
                         . . .
                var scrollableHeight = (float)(_scrollViewer as WindowsScrollViewer).ExtentHeight;
                         . . .
                listViewElement.ScrollableContentSize = new Size(0, scrollableHeight);


The calculated scrollable height value must be assigned to ScrollableContentSize of the custom control (CustomListView).


Step 3: You need to calculate and bind the custom control scroll X and Y cordinates to Parallax View control.


public class CustomListView : ListView , IParallaxView
                  . . .
private void CustomListView_CustomListViewScrolling(object sender, ListViewScrollingEventArgs e)
            OnScrollChanged(new ParallaxScrollingEventArgs(e.ScrollX, e.ScrollY, false));
             . . .




Parallax scrolling for custom control using xamarin SfParallaxView


Sample Link:


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