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Please I need help.
I created a form that allows me searching customers by name. after display customers list in datagrid, i want allow user to select one customer by pressing key.
for grid setup, i tried the following code :
'Configuration de la grille
Private Sub DataGridSetup()
Dim ts As New DataGridTableStyle()
Dim cs As New DataGridTextBoxColumn()
AddHandler cs.TextBox.KeyPress, AddressOf CellKeyPress
DataGrid1.ContextMenu = ContextMenu1
DataGrid1.CaptionText = "Résultat"
ts.MappingName = "mycli"
cs.MappingName = "c_cli"
cs.HeaderText = "Code"
cs.Alignment = HorizontalAlignment.Center
cs = New DataGridTextBoxColumn()
cs.MappingName = "N_cli"
cs.HeaderText = "Nom/Raison sociale"
End Sub
and i added handler to datagridtextboxcolumn, for detecting the keypress events as follows :
'Ajout d'un évènement aux cellules
Public Sub CellKeyPress(ByVal Sender As Object, ByVal e As KeyPressEventArgs)
Dim dt As DataTable = ds.Tables("mycli")
Dim p As Integer
CodeClient = Space(11)
If e.KeyChar = Chr(13) Then
p = Me.BindingContext(ds, "mycli").Position
CodeClient = dt.Rows(p)("c_cli")
End If
End Sub
So after writing this code, i can select one customer only after pressing SHIFT+RETURN.
please can you explain me way i must first press
Thank you very match.
Maybe because return by itself moves through the cells ???
> Hi,
> Please I need help.
> I created a form that allows me searching customers by name. after display customers list in datagrid, i want allow user to select one customer by pressing key.
> for grid setup, i tried the following code :
> 'Configuration de la grille
> Private Sub DataGridSetup()
> Dim ts As New DataGridTableStyle()
> Dim cs As New DataGridTextBoxColumn()
> AddHandler cs.TextBox.KeyPress, AddressOf CellKeyPress
> DataGrid1.ContextMenu = ContextMenu1
> DataGrid1.CaptionText = "Résultat"
> ts.MappingName = "mycli"
> cs.MappingName = "c_cli"
> cs.HeaderText = "Code"
> cs.Alignment = HorizontalAlignment.Center
> ts.GridColumnStyles.Add(cs)
> cs = New DataGridTextBoxColumn()
> cs.MappingName = "N_cli"
> cs.HeaderText = "Nom/Raison sociale"
> ts.GridColumnStyles.Add(cs)
> DataGrid1.TableStyles.Clear()
> DataGrid1.TableStyles.Add(ts)
> End Sub
> and i added handler to datagridtextboxcolumn, for detecting the keypress events as follows :
> 'Ajout d'un évènement aux cellules
> Public Sub CellKeyPress(ByVal Sender As Object, ByVal e As KeyPressEventArgs)
> Dim dt As DataTable = ds.Tables("mycli")
> Dim p As Integer
> CodeClient = Space(11)
> If e.KeyChar = Chr(13) Then
> p = Me.BindingContext(ds, "mycli").Position
> CodeClient = dt.Rows(p)("c_cli")
> Me.Close()
> End If
> End Sub
> So after writing this code, i can select one customer only after pressing SHIFT+RETURN.
> please can you explain me way i must first press
> Thank you very match.
> Intibnin...