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How to get the maximum number in a grid column


I have a requirement to get the maximum number in a column. In EJ1 I did it as bellow and how do I do it in EJ2.


var gridObj = $("#FlatGrid").data("ejGrid");

var NewLineNo = ej.max(gridObj.model.dataSource, "LinNo").LinNo + 1;

Thank you and best regards,


3 Replies 1 reply marked as answer

RS Rajapandiyan Settu Syncfusion Team March 10, 2023 11:45 AM UTC

Hi Kalum,

Thanks for contacting Syncfusion support.

By using the EJ2 Datautil/ DataManager, you can get the maximum value of a particular field from the JSON data.


// get the sorted data using DataUtil

var sortedData = ej.data.DataUtil.sort(window.orderData, 'OrderID', ej.data.DataUtil.fnDescending);

// get the maximum value of OrderID

if (sortedData.length) {

  maxnumber1 = sortedData[0]['OrderID'];


  document.getElementById('Grid').innerText = 'Max number is - ' + maxnumber1;



// get the sorted data using DataManager with take query as 1

var maxNubmerRecord = new ej.data.DataManager(window.orderData).executeLocal(

  new ej.data.Query().sortBy('OrderID', 'descending').take(1));

// get the maximum value of OrderID

if (maxNubmerRecord.length) {

  maxnumber2 = maxNubmerRecord[0]['OrderID'];




Sample: https://stackblitz.com/edit/cxwtnn?file=index.js


Rajapandiyan S

Marked as answer

KA kalum March 13, 2023 10:11 AM UTC

Hi Rajapandiyan,

Your solution works great. Thank you very much for the support




RS Rajapandiyan Settu Syncfusion Team March 14, 2023 03:54 AM UTC


We are happy to hear that you have achieved your requirement with the solution provided.

Please get back to us if you need further assistance.


Rajapandiyan S
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