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Textbox FloatLabelType in tailwind-dark theme doesn't float

While using Tailwind Dark theme, the textbox placeholder does not float whether it is set to Always or Auto. The placeholder is highlighted in bright white color which clashes with the text entered by the user.

The issue doesn't appear with Bootstrap5 Dark theme. I have attached an image showing the issue.

TextBox Float not working in tailwind dark theme 1.PNG

TextBox Float not working in tailwind dark theme.PNG

TextBox Float not working in tailwind dark theme 2.PNG

3 Replies 1 reply marked as answer

SP Sureshkumar P Syncfusion Team December 16, 2022 08:32 AM UTC

Hi Nick,

When validating the reported requirement, the reported issue is not replicated from our end.

Find the code example here:

<h2>SfTextBox multiLine</h2>

<SfTextBox Multiline=true Placeholder="TestingPlaceHolder" FloatLabelType="FloatLabelType.Auto"></SfTextBox>

Find the validated sample in the attachment:

If still you have faced the issue, then replicate the reported issue on the attached sample and revert us with a detailed issue replication procedure. these details will help us to provide an exact solution as earlier as possible.


Sureshkumar P

Attachment: Textbox_14e456b0.zip

NI Nick December 16, 2022 07:10 PM UTC

I am using a Tailwind dark theme from the theme studio, not the one that comes with Syncfusion Blazor themes.

I have attached one as an example.

TextBox Float not working in tailwind dark theme 3.PNG

You can also see the same textbox placeholder float issue in the theme studio

Theme Studio Tailwind Dark issue.PNG

Attachment: Textbox_14e456b0_31ee9c1b.zip

TJ Theveshwar Jayakumar Syncfusion Team December 28, 2022 10:05 AM UTC

Hi Nick,

We have resolved the issue with "Textbox FloatLabelType in tailwind-dark theme doesn't float" in Blazor theme studio at our end. Kindly check this by generating the latest theme for tailwind-dark in theme studio.

Please refer the below link


Please get back to us if you need any further assistance



Marked as answer
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