In my application I am using two filter types - Excel and FilterBar.
If I as using them together I think it sends wrong where predicates to WebAPI (I am using remote data). I can reproduce this here: https://stackblitz.com/edit/angular-a6zcre?file=app.component.ts
For example:
1. Select in Excel type filter something in Customer Name column.
2. Change filter type to FilterBar (first problem I think that I can see in FilterBar column Customer Name already selected value (one value when I selected for example two different value)).
Typing something:
3. Type something in for example Ship Country column. And we can see that no records are displayed.
In this case in my application I can see that data was sent to WebAPI in this structure (ItemCategoryCode was set in Excel type filter, other data was set in FilterBar type filter):
I think it should be sent to WebAPI in this sructure:
By the way - if first of all I set something in FilterBar type filter and then in Excel type filter - data are sent to WebAPI with correct structure.