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Blank row when returning on a SfDataGrid

Hello everyone,

I'm currently building an android application using MvvmCross framework.
I'm using SfDataGrid to display a huge amount of data but I've a non-blocking issue with selection behavior.

When I select a line, everything is ok. I can retrieve selected data and pass them through my ViewModel exactly the way I want, to display detailed data for example.
But when I'm returning to SfDataGrid, previous selected row is now blank. When I tap it, it appears instantly with appropriate data.

I've seen using breakpoints that SfDataGrid object has a SelectedItem property (null when I'm returning, as intent), but also has a SelectionController with a SelectedItem property, that still has the last selected data !
I can't access this SelectionController without having a NullPointerException, so I would like to know how to avoid this blank row if possible, or how to report this strange behavior.

2 Replies

VP Vimal Prabhu Manohkaran Syncfusion Team May 4, 2016 03:46 AM UTC

Hi Bres,

Thanks for contacting Syncfusion Support.

We are currently working on your requirement. We will provide you with more details regarding the same before end of day 4-5-2016.

Vimal Prabhu

VP Vimal Prabhu Manohkaran Syncfusion Team May 4, 2016 05:58 PM UTC

Hi Bres,

Thank you for your patience.

We were unable to produce the reported issue “Previous selected row is blank when returning to SfDataGrid”. We have attached the sample we created to check the reported issue for your reference.
In case, if your requirement differs from our sample, then please revert us with a modified sample based on your application to reproduce the issue along with clear replication procedure. 

Vimal Prabhu

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