How can I set the color of a line in a line chart? I have these two lines, and they are assigned automatically colors about Blue and Brown, but I want to pick the color myself.
I tried using Stroke and Border attributes, but neither of those affect the line color. StrokeWidth does change the width. Palette works, but of course it's not what I want (I want the entire line the same color).
<SFCharts:LineSeries Label="YTD Billable Hours" XBindingPath="FirstDayOfMonth" YBindingPath="YtdBillableHours" ItemsSource="{Binding MonthlyHoursVsBudget}"
StrokeThickness="2" ShowTooltip="True" TooltipTemplate="{StaticResource MonthlyHoursDataTemplate}"/>
<SFCharts:LineSeries Label="YTD Budget" XBindingPath="FirstDayOfMonth" YBindingPath="YtdBudgetBillableHours" ItemsSource="{Binding MonthlyHoursVsBudget}"