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I did the following steps:

  1. Load the Pdf File "Test.pdf"
  2. Enter a letter "ä" in the Field "Firma"
  3. Save the file to "

This is where the attached demo project starts:

  1. Load the file "Test_17_10_2019_11_57_55.pdf"
  2. Enter another Chacter in an other field (can be left out, I think)
  3. Save using the save function on the upper right of the control
    (now the "Flatten" button enables)
  4. Press the "Flatten" button (the output file was "
    Test_17_10_2019_12_08_36.pdf", naming depends on current DateTime)

The Flatten-Button loads the before saved bytes to an PdfLoadedDocument and uses Save(true) to Save the Flatten PDF. But the resulted PDF is not flatten.