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Suppose I have a ViewModel and class like this (get and set are omitted at ViewModel):
public class CodeItem{
public string Value { get; set;}
public string Name { get; set; }
public class ViewModel : INotifyPropertyChanged
public List<CodeItem> ChipItems;
public CodeItem Item;
And this XAML works fine :
<ContentPage ...>
<local:ViewModel />
<buttons:SfChipGroup Type="Choice"
ItemsSource="{Bindng ChipItems}"
SelectedItem="{Binding Item}" />
But this XAML does not work fine. Chip displays class name (like Namespace.CodeItem) instead of "Name" :
<ContentPage ... x:Name="Page">
<local:ViewModel />
<buttons:SfChipGroup Type="Choice"
ItemsSource="{Bindng BindingContext.ChipItems, Source={x:Reference Page}}"
SelectedItem="{Binding BindingContext.Item, Source={x:Reference Page}}" />
I want to put SfChipGroup in SfPopupLayout.
I write SfPopupLayout in ContentPage.Resources, And I want to use ViewModel set in ContentPage.BindingContext for ItemsSource of SfChipGroup.