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If you are giving the firstDayOfWeek as other than current date’s day (For ex: today is Wednesday, so value as “3”) means, the issue is not reproduced. If we provide the value other than the current date’s day, then an error is produced. We need to check and ensure all calendar components.

Issue reproducing code:

@using Syncfusion.Blazor.Calendars
<SfDatePicker TValue="DateTime?" FirstDayOfWeek="2"></SfDatePicker>

Issue replication procedure:

1. Run the sample with provided code
2. Then open the datepicker popup.
3. See the reported console error in the browser console.
4. If we change the firstDayOfWeek as 3 (if today date's day value is 3) then this issue will not occur.

Actual output: Exception is thrown when open the popup.

Expected output: While opening the popup, there is no error occurred in the console.