I have added ListView component to my application, and following second example from here (
https://ej2.syncfusion.com/blazor/documentation/listview/customizing-templates/) have created new page, added the component and replaced the data source with data from my database. But as soon as I do that page loads, disconnects, reconnects to blazor engine and ends up displaying no content.
After more than 2 hours of troubleshooting I finally found out that there is a limit on size of the source.
My custom object has 17 columns, and one of them can fit large text. I found out that as soon as the data source list contains 31 objects where each has an attribute with text length of 366, that's where the controller fails.
To recreate, I have modified the example mentioned above to have the following code:
If I run it with 50 objects - everything works. When I run it with 55 - I get the described error.
Note that I'm not even displaying this attribute in the ListView component - it's only part of the object.