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When changing from one screen to another I'm getting an error:
Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property '86566' of undefined
The property ID changing with each occurrence of the error, but happens each time I go from one screen to another. I do not recall this occurring in 17.4.41 and I'm sure it didn't in .39.
When looking into the source it's appearing after setting variable "d" and within the if statement. I've highlighted the line in bold below, but states it's line 328 in an unminified source.
updateTemplate: function(e, t, n, r, a) { void 0 === r && (r = {}), a && window.ejsInterop.tempCallBacks.push({ Id: n, Promise: a }), setTimeout((function() { var a = [] , o = [] , s = []; if (ej.base.isNullOrUndefined(t) || !t.length || ej.base.isNullOrUndefined(t[0].BlazId)) { if (!ej.base.isNullOrUndefined(t)) for (i = 0; i < t.length; i++) s.push(t[i].BlazorTemplateId), innerTemplate = document.getElementById(s[i]), a.push(JSON.parse(window.ejsInterop.cleanStringify(t[i]))), delete a[i].BlazorTemplateId } else for (var i = 0; i < t.length; i++) o.push(t[i].BlazId), s.push(t[i].BlazorTemplateId); var d = r.templateDotnetInstance ? r.templateDotnetInstance[e] || window.ejsInterop.templateDotnetInstance[r.guid || e] : window.ejsInterop.templateDotnetInstance ? window.ejsInterop.templateDotnetInstance[r.guid || e] : null; if (!d) { if (!window.ejsInterop.templateDotnetInstance[r.guid || e]) return; if (!(r.parentObj && r.parentObj.templateDotnetInstance && r.parentObj.templateDotnetInstance[e])) return; d = r.parentObj.templateDotnetInstance[e] } d && d.invokeMethodAsync("UpdateTemplate", e, JSON.stringify(a), n, s, o) } ), 10) },