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How do I desaturate a specific color?

Platform: WinForms| Category: Colors

Jon Skeet provided this solution in the MS Windows Forms News Group.

double greyLevel = original.R * 0.299 + original.G * 0.587 + original.B * 0.144;
if (greyLevel > 255)
    greyLevel = 255;

Color desaturated = new Color.FromArgb((byte)greyLevel, (byte)greyLevel, (byte)greyLevel);

Dim greyLevel As Double = original.R * 0.299 + original.G * 0.587 + original.B * 0.144
If greyLevel > 255 Then
    greyLevel = 255
End If

Dim desaturated As New Color.FromArgb(CByte(greyLevel), CByte(greyLevel), CByte(greyLevel)) 

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