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Compiling multiple versions of Syncfusion projects in a build machine

1 min read

Compiling multiple versions of Syncfusion projects in a build machine


In order to build projects with multiple versions of Syncfusion assemblies, you need to register the corresponding version product keys in your build machine.

Suppose you did not install a Syncfusion product on a build machine. Before you build the application, ensure that the correct assembly version is referenced by your project. Make sure that only the required assembly versions are available from GAC or a locally referenced directory. For example, if you are compiling v7.4.0.20 and v8.1.0.30, during the compilation time of v8.1.0.30-referenced projects, please remove the v7.4.0.20 assemblies from GAC.


If you are using the MSBuild command to build your project, please refer to the given example.


<Solution/ProjectFilePath> /p:Configuration=<Release/Debug>;ReferencePath="<ReferencedDirectory>";OutDir=<OutputDirectory>


c:\Test\Test.sln /p:Configuration=Release;ReferencePath="C:\Assemblies\";OutDir=C:\Test\Output\

c:\Test\Test.sln /p:Configuration=Release;ReferencePath="C:\Assemblies\";OutDir=C:\Test\Output\

How to register the product key in Registry?

Please refer Register Product key.

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