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Checking that an application has a license for the required Syncfusion version 13.1 and before

2 mins read


To check that your application has a proper Syncfusion license, please follow the steps below:

  1. Please use the Reflector tool to disassemble your application. You can download this tool from following link:             
  2. Open your application’s executable file in Reflector tool.Reflector's Tool
  3. Navigate to Resources so that you can find {application}.exe.licenses.  Double-click on that. It will display binary information along with Syncfusion.Core assemblies version details.

Reference assemblies information in Reflector window.

  1. If there is a version mismatch between the assemblies presented in the local folder of the application or GAC and the embedded version number, it will throw the runtime licensing exception. To resolve this issue, you need to remove this old executable file from the bin and obj files and recompile your application with the correct Syncfusion assemblies.

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