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Resolving the “Unable to grant design-time license” error

2 mins read



These licensing issues may occur in any one of following scenarios. Please ensure the following steps to avoid a license issue during design time:

Assemblies may have conflicts because of multiple versions of Syncfusion assemblies in GAC. Make sure that you have only the assemblies in GAC which are needed for your application. All other versions of Syncfusion assemblies should be removed from GAC. If you have set the assemblies as “CopyLocal=True”, make sure that you do not have any Syncfusion assemblies in GAC to avoid conflicts between local assemblies and GAC.

In order to install the particular versions of assemblies in GAC, you can use the Assembly Manager utility.

Steps to be followed:

a.          Open the Syncfusion Dashboard.

b.          Run the Assembly Manager utility.

c.          Select Remove All Versions and click Perform Action. This will remove all existing Syncfusion assemblies from GAC.

d.          Then re-run Assembly Manager to install Syncfusion assembly version x.x.x.x.

e.          Delete bin and obj folders from your application.

f.                Open your project and recompile it.

g.          Now, you can open the Designer, which has the Syncfusion controls.


To know more about Assembly Manager, please visit the following link:

Assembly Manager

Make sure that you do not reference multiple versions of Syncfusion in the same project. Your development or build machine would not have registered the Syncfusion key properly in the registry.

You can ensure this in two ways: by using the License Manager utility or manually.

1. Ensuring keys manually:

Navigate to the following registry location:

32-bit machine

HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Syncfusion\Essential Suite\InstalledVersions\keys

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Syncfusion\Essential Suite\InstalledVersions\keys

64-bit machine

HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Syncfusion\Essential Suite\InstalledVersions\keys              

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Syncfusion\Essential Suite\InstalledVersions\keys

Make sure the Syncfusion key you used to install our product is present in the above locations.

2. Ensuring keys by using License Manager:

Syncfusion provides the License Manager tool along with the installation to manage the Syncfusion keys without uninstalling and installing the whole product. Also, the License Manager provides clear product details, which is unlocked by your Syncfusion key.

Ensure that the product key you used to unlock the installer shows in this tool. If it does, and if it displays multiple keys, please make sure that it displays the key with the version that is the same as in your project. For example, if you use 8.1.0.xx version of assemblies in your project, License Manager should list at least one key with the same version as “This key licenses Syncfusion Essential studio 8.1.0.*”


Sometimes you may face a licensing issue in a designer even if you have the licensing key. This may be because the key does not unlock the specific product that you are using. You need to contact Syncfusion Sales concerning the products details for that key. For example, if you have license for Syncfusion Grid for Windows Forms, ensure that the license manager shows the product.



For more about License Manager, please visit:

License Manager

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